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Gerard de Ridefort
Gerard de Ridefort was a Grand Master of Templars of Flemmish Origin. Born 1140 .He was elected after Arnold of Torroja.
Gerard had a grudge against Raymond of Tripoli. He was a advocate of the daughter of Queen Sibylla and her husband Guy de Luisgnan. Gerard led the Templars at the Battle of Hattin against Saladin. Gerard was captured by Saladin and was given the condition by Saladin that, if he could convince a Templar fortress to surrender peacefully, he would be set free.
In 1189 he joined forces with Guy, taking the Templars to the Seige of Acre where he was taken prisoner once more and beheaded by Saladin in 1189. He was also said to be in alliance with Reynald de Chatillon. And a bit of a hot head.
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